Svatební agentura Světlany Uldrichové
Svatební agentura
Světlany Uldrichové

Zuzana & Valér

I would like to say to all future brides who are just deciding whether to contact Boutique weddings… DO NOT hesitate!

It is really worth it…

You will not have to arrange millions of important things and keep your mind on the at all – and it was our first wedding in life so we didn’t even know what to do and where to start. The ladies will be your guides, your light for you as to be honest you will be surprised how many things must be arranged – you have no idea! They were always ahead of everything and knew what would have happened before it happened. The perfect interplay of professionalism and rich experience… will make your day fabulously unforgettable… 🙂 as it was with us…. Thank you very much, it was “TOP TOP” 😀 🙂 Kiss….

Zuzik & Valerko 16/06/2018

Photo: Lukáš Koňařík


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Koncept "5 senses wedding"

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